Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Death of Reutgers Freshman response to article

This current event is tragic due to teh opposition that gay people are receiving from society. The media plays an important part in this because it delivers these messages to the rest of the world and then lets the people view such "abnormal" events. People may display opposition to this because it is not a norm that has been passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, when media releases these kinds of situations that are considered as taboos against society norms much opposition and hatred occur. It was inhumane for the boy to be taped with another guy and it was the media that literally embarrassed him to death. Therefore, even though the media may be useful by providing news/information, it is definitely harmful because it hurts those whom the news is about. Because of media sources such as the internet the freshman could not handle the hatred, embarrassment, and opposition that he was receiving from many other people. And what his friend did was considered as a violation of one's privacy. This shows how friends can never be trusted and the neither can the internet. Our society today views gays as a taboo or something that is not normal because we have certain gender norms that have been engraved in us since birth and have been apparent since the past. Males have certain roles and characteristics as well as females. Males are tough, built, and dominant, while females are elegant, emotional,and nurturers. We have been raised that the future of a woman is to get married to a man; not that a two men or two women end up in this kind of relationship. Because this norm has been around for so long, there is usually an uproar when something the complete opposite of this happens. It is sad to see the hatred and opposition that gay people are facing, especially when it leads to death like how it did with this Reutgers freshman.

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