Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Free Write 11/15-List all forms of media that you engage with/depend on? What do you think a week without these things would be like?

The media that I engage in is mostly the internet, such as going online to St. John's central, check my email, sometimes going on face book. Other media sources that I occasionally use are watching television once in awhile as well as listening to music if I have time. But for me a week without these sources of media actually would not be too bad because I do not consider myself to be addicted to them in any way so I think I could survive without them for a week.It would be fine for me because I ma not really used to using them often and I do not have constant urges to do so. I think the hardest part would probably not being able to go on in internet to check St. John's central because that usually has college information or emails that I may need to know about or to do my work or research. However, this assignment would actually be useful in a way because it could teach me along with those that are more attached or dependent upon media to be more patient and practice control. This could help us try to find new sources where we could find information or do our work on our own. We should be able to live on in life without these media sources because the people in the past were able to do so when they did not have such an advancement in technology. This assignment will help us adjust ourselves to living without these sources of media that usually take up most of our time and distract most of us from our work.

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